Protect the Earth's Environment

The business activities of the Kewpie Group are supported by the abundant gifts of nature, including raw materials. We consider the effects our business activities have on the global environment and believe that we have a duty to pass on a better global environment to future generations.
Therefore, we have established "strengthening our social and global environmental initiatives" as one of our management policies, and the entire Group has worked on this policy.

Sustainability Targets

Material Issues Initiative Theme Indicators FY2030 Target
Effective Use and Recycling of Resources Elimination and Effective Utilization of Food Loss Food waste reduction rate (compared to FY2015) At least 65%
Effective utilization rate of unused portions of vegetables Main vegetables: Cabbage, etc. At least 90%
Reduction rate in volume of product waste (compared to FY2015) At least 70%
Reduction and Reuse of Plastic Emissions Reduction rate in volume of plastic waste (compared to FY2018) At least 30%
Sustainable Use of Water Water usage (basic unit) reduction rate (compared to FY2020) At least 10%
Deal with Climate Change Reduction of CO2 emissions Reduction rate in CO2 emissions (compared to FY2013) At least 50%
Conservation of Biodiversity Conservation of Biodiversity 100% sustainable paper procurement by 2025 (Containers and packaging, booklets, promotional products, office supplies)
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