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With an emphasis on the concept of
“love around the kitchen table,”
we will help resolve social issues and
aim to achieve Group's sustainable growth
through great taste, empathy and uniqueness.

Mitsuru Takamiya
Representative Director
President and
Chief Executive
Corporate Officer
Kewpie Corporation

Even before the emergence of the concept of sustainability, the Kewpie Group was working to address issues in society in line with our founder Toichiro Nakashima's ambition of “contributing to society through healthier dietary lifestyles.” Today we have a future vision as described in Our Ideal and 2030 Vision, and with the FY2021-2024 Medium-term Business Plan under the theme of “Transition to a structure that realizes sustainable growth,” we are focusing on redoubling efforts involving society and the global environment.

Under the Kewpie Group Basic Policy on Sustainability, we have identified our material issues with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in mind, and are promoting initiatives as a united Group. In FY2022, we added conservation of biodiversity to the Basic Policy on Sustainability, and partially revised the content to include six material issues for sustainability.

The recovery in food demand in Japan and our sales growth in global markets, particularly in North America and Southeast Asia, contributed to an increase in sales in FY2022. However, the business environment in FY2023 is expected to continue creating challenging management conditions, with factors such as the impacts of surging prices for our main raw materials, energy and procurement as a result of international instability and the sharp depreciation of the yen, as well as surging egg prices due to the spread of the avian flu. Although the future is uncertain, we will continue to focus on the following three areas in our business activities.

  • As a leading company for salads and eggs, help extend healthy life expectancy by addressing people's health issues
  • Help realize a sustainable society by refining technologies that balance delicious taste and product shelf life
  • Contribute to food culture and health around the world while aiming to be a global company

Regarding product shelf life, extending best-before dates through improved manufacturing methods and packaging is expected to reduce food loss in each value chain.

We believe that working to solve social and environmental issues in this way is a necessary investment for the future, and we will work to solve these issues through great taste, empathy, and uniqueness. By caring for people and the environment through the entire value chain, from product design and procurement to production, sales and consumption, the Kewpie Group will create a future full of smiles.

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